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黑人历史月-非洲裔美国人 & 艺术




1994年由C. 布莱恩·威廉姆斯,《OPE电子竞技官网》! is the first professional company dedicated to the tradition of stepping. 在奥. 威廉姆斯的领导, 迈步已经演变成美国的一种文化输出, touring more than 60 countries across the globe and ranking as one of the top 10 African American Dance Companies in the US. 一步非洲! blends percussive dance styles practiced by historically African American fraternities and sororities; traditional African dances; and an array of contemporary dance and art forms into a cohesive, 引人入胜的艺术体验.

一步非洲! has earned Mayor’s Arts Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Arts Education, 艺术创新, 在某一艺术领域表现卓越, and was inducted into the National Association of Campus Activities (NACA) Hall of Fame, 第一个获得这一荣誉的舞团. 一步非洲! headlined President Barack Obama’s 黑人历史月 Reception and performed at the first ever 六月节 庆祝活动 at the White House. The Company is featured prominently at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & 文化与世界上第一个阶梯互动展览.

日期: 星期一,2024年1月29日
时间: 6:00 p.m. 开胃小菜、自助餐和露天招待会
              6:30 p.m. 非洲舞步表演!
              7:45 p.m. 闭幕酒会及节目结束
地点: Metropolitan 社区 College South Omaha Campus, CAM Building , Room 120

hybrid LECTURE: AARON dOUGLAS, unl Class of ’22: 哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的视觉艺术家

Peggy Jones, MFA, Associate Professor, Black Studies; Associate Director, Women & 内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校的性别研究项目

This visual presentation will introduce the artist Aaron Douglas, the “Father of Black Art.道格拉斯是北卡罗来纳大学艺术系的第一位黑人毕业生. 他的作品是对以非洲为中心的现代主义的颂扬, with which he established one of the earliest affirmative depictions of Black identity, 历史, 和经验.

日期: 2月1日星期四
时间: 12:30-1:45 p.m. 中科
地点: 埃尔克霍恩谷校区,114室
注册Zoom: 哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的视觉艺术家


Dr. 夸扣特尔人L. 德雷尔,内布拉斯加大学林肯分校英语副教授

Dr. 夸扣特尔人L. Dreher, shares her experiences as Director and co-writer of the Bell Affair. She conceived the day-to-day interactions within and conversations held by a community of enslaved and free people as they negotiated time and resistance moves, 以及在他们的私人空间里权衡思想和想法. 每一段对话, 现场的方向, and character cue testifies to the endurance of enslaved and free people as they navigated their whole being confined within the plantation regime.

日期: 2月8日星期四

时间: 4:00-5:00 p.m.中科

地点: 南奥马哈校区,CAM大楼,会议室120

注册Zoom: 从主任的椅子上


This feature film project focuses on the particular experiences of one enslaved family who sued for their freedom in Washington, D.C.当时正值全国反奴隶制斗争的关键时刻. 它讲述了来自乔治王子县的丹尼尔和玛丽·贝尔的故事. 丹尼尔提起诉讼,要求他的家人获得自由,就像罢工一样, 暴民私刑, and a race riot erupted in the nation's capital in the late summer of 1835. 暴力威胁促使美国采取行动.S. District Attorney Francis Scott Key to prosecute dozens of white strikers, 起诉一个被控谋杀未遂的奴隶, and charge an abolitionist editor with sedition for inciting a slave revolt. Key had previously represented dozens of Maryland enslaved families suing for freedom. 贝尔事件 描绘了他反对黑人自由的转变. Key的姐夫Roger B. 托尼, 另一位马里兰律师, figures prominently in the film because he is being nominated to the Supreme Court.  
TIME6:00-8:30 p.m. 中科
地点: 南奥马哈校区,CAM大楼,会议室120

虚拟视频 & 讨论:江城的鼓声   

Discussion led by Marlon Johnson, ten-time Emmy award-winning producer and director

The documentary chronicles generations of African American mentors in Louisville, Kentucky’s West End neighborhood and their work to empower children and teens through creative expression. 三十年来, Edward “Nardie” White has been teaching ancestral Pan-African culture and drumming traditions in the River City Drum Corps in order to instill a foundation of purposeful resilience within his neighborhood youth. 在美国南部的背景下. White’s drumline and its multi-generational network of support has been a lifeline for many young African Americans. Now in his sixties, he must step down to allow the drum corps to evolve with a new generation. 在他担任导演的最后一年,他培训了他的继任者阿尔伯特·舒玛克, a young artist whose troubled life was transformed by the drumline and Mr. 怀特十几岁时的导师. 在这过渡的一年里. White and Albert reflect on the tragedies and triumphs in their lives and the legacy of the drum corps. Featuring powerful drumline performances and the stories of its parents, youth and mentors, 河城鼓声 是否证明了艺术、爱情和社区的持久影响.
日期: 2月12日星期一
时间: 2:00-4:00 p.m. 中科
再次查看讨论 河城鼓点


菲尔年代. 历史学家和黑人棒球联盟博物馆的联合创始人迪克森说

The 历史 of Negro League baseball in America mirrors the racial strie experienced by African Americans in Society. 它受到歧视的困扰, 种族主义和不平等, 而它的运动员则以他们的韧性而闻名, 职业精神和运动能力. The Kansas City Monarchs barnstormed across Kansas and the region to lay more than 400 games between 1920 and 1957 再一次。st local towns. This talk sheds new light on this sports 历史 and the 历史 of baseball. Mr. 迪克森还将分享他新书的相关信息, 美国棒球编年史, 伟大的球队:1910年芝加哥利兰巨人队第二卷.
日期: 2月13日星期二
时间: 6:30-8:00 p.m. 中科
地点: 奥马哈堡校区,10号楼,110室
堪萨斯城帝王蝶队和美国的全民娱乐 再一次。.

HYBRID LECTURE: Black Educators/People's Resistance 再一次。st Book Bans throughout History

Barry Thomas, Vice President of 社区 Engagement, Teach for America, B.S. 韦恩州立学院,M.S. 多恩大学

所以,到了2024年,我们还在禁书? The struggle for children to learn about the experiences of Black people and the firm control of racism in this country is not a new fight. 几个世纪以来, Black people and their allies have been striving for a just and equitable education where they can learn the truth about their role in the development of America. This engaging and interactive discussion will highlight how and why the same obstacles that were being overcome in 1724 will continue to be overcome today.
日期: 2月19日星期一
时间: 12:30-1:45 p.m. 中科
地点: 奥马哈堡校区,10号楼,110室
注册Zoom: 历史上人们反对禁书 

联系 跨文化教育 咨询电话:531-622-2253.

ACCOMMODATIONS:  Audience members requiring accommodations due to a disability must contact International/跨文化教育, interculturaled@magicimpex.com, 531-622-2253至少在项目前两周.

Additional International/跨文化教育 virtual programming can be found on YouTube. 

OPE电子竞技官网奉行教育平等的政策, employment opportunities and nondiscrimination in providing services to the public. We are committed to ensuring our websites and facilities are accessible and usable to everyone. 阅读我们完整的政策声明,请访问 magicimpex.com/不歧视.